Engagements  2024
Up Dated 5th July 2024.
The National Memorial Arboretum.
Sunday 7th July 2024

The YCoD, OCCoD and GDCoDA will be forming a combined Corps of Drums for an act of Remembrance to be held on Sunday 7th July 2024  at the National Memorial Arboretum (NMA). Please see  JUST GIVING  and  Just Giving   Please support, thank you.

General Outline

Site Opens - 1000
CoD members arrive by - 1100
Act of service - 1200
Fallout visit site with families- 1245
Site closes - 1600


Banner of hope
Children’s Love
Songs of WW11.
Farewell my comrades (funeral march)
Last Post (Bugle)
Reveille Rouse (Bugle)

This is an ideal opportunity to remember past Drummers, our friends, mates and Corps of Drums members who are no longer with us. Then enjoy a family day out visiting this very worthwhile site of Remembrance.

Full written instruction to follow.


“Once a Drummer, Always a Drummer”
Webmaster Peter McCarthy BEM